
Sankeien Garden

Sankeien Garden, originally uploaded by AdrielH.

Sankeien Garden is a luxurious preserve nestled on high ground just off Yokohama Bay. It was first established by a wealthy silk trader in the 19th century, and opened to the public in 1906.
It hosts not only a wealth of seasonal blossoming trees and flowers, but more than a dozen historic buildings relocated to the site. These include the amazing Three-Storied Pagoda of Old Tomyoji, built in 1457, and the Old Yanohara House, in incense-filled Edo period headman's home.
We visited as part of a bus tour and were rushed to try to take in the Garden's incredible sights. I would recommend reserving several hours for touring this wonderful place, followed perhaps by dinner in Yokohama Chinatown and then a stroll down by the Bay.

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