
Grossest Beach Bugs Ever!!!

Grossest Beach Bugs Ever!!!, originally uploaded by AdrielH.

These bugs, perhaps some kind of crustacean, were COVERING the shoreline of Enoshima Island on my July trip to Japan. I was hiking and climbing all over, and could not escape them anywhere near the water. These here are about the size of pill bugs, but many were large, up to two-inches. Almost gave me nightmares. Thought I'd share.


Hiroshima: Never Again

Hiroshima, originally uploaded by AdrielH.

This uniform belonged to a Japanese "mobilized youth," one of the many children in Hiroshima working on the war effort when we dropped the atom bomb. Actually, *this* uniform belonged to *many* children. It was stitched together from scraps of what was left.


Japanese - Hold Me To It

I'll be photo-blogging here and documenting my successes and failures with learning Japanese, a language I should have mastered a decade ago.

I've been married to an incredible Japanese woman for 11 years, but have yet to gain basic literacy in her native language. Now, with two kids and a plan to live at least half time in Tokyo by 2020, it's time.

I love to blog, and this is public, so hopefully it will help provide the impetus for me to really learn. Hold me too it.